We have developed an assisted facility placement process over many years of helping individuals and their families find the best place to start recovery. After literally thousands of individual referrals and replacements we have fine-tuned our systematic pre-screening approach so that every important issue that needs to be accounted for is covered and the SHORT LIST of treatment centers we generate for your comparison will be exactly what you need to make the decision simple.
When you call our assisted placement professional will find out what specific problems you are dealing with and complete a quick but thorough screening to eliminate most of the available Texas facilities from being considered. From there any detailed issues will be taken up until it is clear that the small list of comparative facilities is the right ones. At this point you will be asked to evaluate the comparison list and decide based on your preference, which program and facility makes the most sense to you.
Once you have decided on the right facility our specialist will assist you in getting admitted into the program. We will give you contact information and with your approval, personally contact the facility to ensure the admission process goes smoothly and as quickly as possible.
If you are finding the decision about where to go and what to do confusing then call us now. We consider there is no time to waste and we don’t prednisone want a life held in jeopardy. Let’s get the ball rolling now before something else happens.